The buzzword “synergy” which was once a derogatory term for corporations, has now returned to the conversation as companies are looking for ways to collaborate across departments – in remote or hybrid environments for instance. This time, it’s not used as a pejorative corporate term but to describe the process of collaboration that is highly sought-after.

Synergy is based on concept that the whole is greater than the totality of its components. This positive synergy allows teams to accomplish more than they would have been able to on their own. It also allows team members to be themselves at work by utilizing their unique perspectives, abilities and communication styles.

Negative synergy, on contrary, can bring down teams and lead to subpar deliverables despite the individual strengths of each member. This is typically caused by miscommunication and conflicts that arise between roles, responsibilities, and schedules.

To avoid these problems, it’s essential for teams to create an enduring foundation of trust and collaboration by clearly defining the vision of the project and defining the roles of each member of the team in the project. This can be accomplished easily using a collaborative map process. Each team member will work with their counterparts in order to create a clear document of what each person is accountable for and when. This reduces confusion and saves time, energy, and conflicts for teams. It makes it easier for managers, if necessary be able to step in and coach.